For not posting

It’s been a long time coming, I new the screws would tighten and things would start getting left behind. This is one of the first things to always get left behind. Even after a New Year resolution to write more and to concentrate on what really mattered I still didn’t keep up with the blogging. I don’t know what it is about January but there always seems to be a better light at the end of the tunnel than there usually is.

At this point, well, I’ve been looking into how things are moving forward and things so far can get a lot better and hopefully keep going at this pace too. As for right now all I have to say is my life feels like the embedded image. If you like the comic please support him, it is what we are all going through as graduate students. We have no life really, it seems like it and some of our research is flashy and cool. Honestly though majority of it could be more exciting if we watched the grass grow beside us.

PhD Comic 11-08-2010

How life feels as a graduate student

Later Days,

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