Inspired from a 5.9a

y’know it’s been an amazing two weeks……

I guess part of it is me working out again and hitting the wall. Rock Climbing for me for some it’s running but that sheer exertion for clearing your mind. 


So I was sitting in class about two weeks ago and going into the last class I was a little annoyed. Then as the presentations started to unfurl. I saw how passionate people were about their subjects. I also realized how hard it is to get someone to take the bigger picture apart. So still I am in awe there is hope out there. This may be a disjointed post more so than usual but it’s only because my brain is in sheer awe right now. 


Watching The West Wing makes me realize how much I love my job and what I do for real. I know it’s one of those things where we all will lean on each other. There is no way just one person can do it alone and there has to be that person holding part of the rope for the other and the other and so on down the line. It’s also amazing how much of every one’s life mirrors the other. I look at the structure we have for major offices and there is a CEO and then from him down there are a board of directors and the CEO has his staff and chief assistant and further down the line. Same thing with a movie set. there is the Director and Executive Producer. The Producer serves as the Chief of Staff and then from there on down the line the A.D’s are all senior staff so is the D.P. and as always the face of it all the Public Relations. As far as the board of directors that’s more of a cabinet thing than there is in the movie business but ya’ll get the point. 


So as I said I’m in awe and you know there is that feeling you’ll know it when you see it. Right now I know it and I’ve seen it and I see it more and more. I know how Jon writes and i know he’s good at what he does. I’ll be there for as long as I can when I can. So in the mean time just hang on for the ride. 


Just remember find a release and the rest will come. It doesn’t matter that for the time being you can’t be there just do what you can to get your mind out of the rat race, Run, Climb, Drive, Walk, Play. 


Later Days,