Ethanol and what I want to get.

So it’s no secret that I’m looking to get myself a truck sometime soon. So why would I get a truck?

     Well consider this, it’s what I do every day all day. It’s my job to be going to the craziest places and have the most bizarre stuff with me. I am a Producer and hopefully working on something pretty cool and crazy soon. In that mean time I’m also considering the engine type and other various things. The biggest thing I’m considering is what fuel type I would want for the truck to be able to handle. There is diesel, ethanol, gas, and a mixture. I’d say if I had unlimited funds yea, I’d go for the hybrid Tahoe. The tests I’ve been reading on it are pretty damn exciting. That, however, is not the case with what funds I have available. I do however like the use of ethanol. The funny part is since the 1980’s all major truck manufaturers have been allowing the use of ethanol in the engines.

    Why haven’t we known? Well, that’s because the modification to make a car run on ethanol is not all that extensive. It’s just a matter of changing out the fuel filter, pump and a few parts of the fuel lines. Other than that the engine itself stays pretty much the same. Sparkplugs, Cylinderheads and gaskets are all the same. Even the injectors for the most part stay the same. The reason being that ethanol is just a different carbon chain. It’s not really all that different in the make up than that of what gasoline is.

p>      Mainly ethanol is just more corrosive than gasoline. Meaning that while gas sits in certain housings, flilters and such it’s ok; and ethanol well…it’ll create leaks.

        Also as those who follow motorsports it’s well known that high preformance engines use higher octane gas giving better results on the track. Not only that but it also gives better fuel economy and various other things.

      I guess the long of the short of it is what I’m meaning to say is though we are debating over corn losing value over food shortage. It will not for the simple fact that regular corn that we eat is not the same corn used to make ethanol. We’re not going to lose as much as we gain. More things we’ve used in the past make methanol emmisions than that of our cars elelctric generators and various other pieces of equipment. Don’t get me wrong we do need to start saving and recycling. At the same time we don’t need to be concerned. Ethanol is the next step in a chain of an evolution. Also keep in mind that the premier world motorsports though the use gasoline the ones to keep like Formula 1,2 and Champ Car and some of the Touring and Prototype car series use less gas and have smaller and more powerful engines than our daily driver cars. Keep in mind that the Formula 1 V8 uses 2.4 lieters and has given us traction control, ABS brakes and various other things.

      That’s all I got for now,

    Later Days