It’s been a while and I need a trip

So again I need more than 140 charecters and well this is the best place for it. After lots of thought of what exactly needs to be said it’s just one thing, keep life simple.

It’s been about 3 years since my car was stolen (it will be exactly 3 years in May). In that time I’ve managed to do some pretty impressive things on paper that does not mean that I am by any stretch of the imagination in a position where I am completely on my own. At this point I should be where some of my friends are. Is that path the same I should have taken, I really don’t think so.

As unhappy as I am and as bitter as I can taste I still am very happy too. With the way things are shaping up for some of my friends and the country around me I am very happy for the things I have. I remember everyday that there is more to life than just having that truck or having that perfect life. The things I am the happiest for are the things I have around me; a great family and an amazing set of friends. I am reminded every day of them being there for me and I am so grateful.

So the trip; it’s been two weeks of staggered spring break so to speak and neither one of them am I able to actually take a break from. The one that was my work’s spring break my academic life went into high gear; the week of my academic spring break I ahve so many projects I’m not even able to breathe. I WANT OUT! In the situation I’m in right now I should be allowed at least one day, one weekday, off and hit the road and travel to some remote part of the state and just relax clear my head and see Texas. I love this state and always will return in the end but for now it’s feeling like a prison. I am tired of Dallas, I need to get out for a couple of days and feel fresh air and sun. I need to get out. Ideally there are a couple of people separately I’d like to take with me and\or go see but that will be for another time and another day.

Best thing to take out of life right now in what seems to be the toughest times, be thankful for what you have. Be extremely good to your friends and family, those are the things that matter most in life and will be there longer than anything else for you. Finally be simple, there is no point in being put in a place only to compromise your self to unhappiness.

Climb on and be your self.

Later Days,


It's been a while and I need a trip

So again I need more than 140 charecters and well this is the best place for it. After lots of thought of what exactly needs to be said it’s just one thing, keep life simple.

It’s been about 3 years since my car was stolen (it will be exactly 3 years in May). In that time I’ve managed to do some pretty impressive things on paper that does not mean that I am by any stretch of the imagination in a position where I am completely on my own. At this point I should be where some of my friends are. Is that path the same I should have taken, I really don’t think so.

As unhappy as I am and as bitter as I can taste I still am very happy too. With the way things are shaping up for some of my friends and the country around me I am very happy for the things I have. I remember everyday that there is more to life than just having that truck or having that perfect life. The things I am the happiest for are the things I have around me; a great family and an amazing set of friends. I am reminded every day of them being there for me and I am so grateful.

So the trip; it’s been two weeks of staggered spring break so to speak and neither one of them am I able to actually take a break from. The one that was my work’s spring break my academic life went into high gear; the week of my academic spring break I ahve so many projects I’m not even able to breathe. I WANT OUT! In the situation I’m in right now I should be allowed at least one day, one weekday, off and hit the road and travel to some remote part of the state and just relax clear my head and see Texas. I love this state and always will return in the end but for now it’s feeling like a prison. I am tired of Dallas, I need to get out for a couple of days and feel fresh air and sun. I need to get out. Ideally there are a couple of people separately I’d like to take with me and\or go see but that will be for another time and another day.

Best thing to take out of life right now in what seems to be the toughest times, be thankful for what you have. Be extremely good to your friends and family, those are the things that matter most in life and will be there longer than anything else for you. Finally be simple, there is no point in being put in a place only to compromise your self to unhappiness.

Climb on and be your self.

Later Days,
