
I have this bug…..

I have this bug or cold or something and man does it suck balls. It’s the first of the year and Mohram and Ashra strikes so I go through my art class and life with out music and putting some of my other things on hold. Now I’ve got this obnoxious cold\bug whatever you want to call it.

It’s the first time in a long time I’ve felt like this to keep my self in shape and get my self in better shape. I can’t. It’s a better bet that if I rest and let my body get better I will recover faster and be able to do more. Grrr…this is annoying especially since I can see things coming on the horizon soon that will take a lot of my time.

Someone needs to learn

Now I know girls are conscious about how they look but really do they have to be a pain about work. I know you’re a diva, just get over it and start working and this time no excuses, none, about your schedule. You either work for us or you don’t

Later Days,

Brain's Death….

Lack of music again….

I swear this has had to have been one of the most painful and longest weeks of my life It’s not like I’ve had long weeks before where I’ve been somewhere or been needing something etc. This year though Morhram (or at least the first ten days of the month of Mohram) has seemed longer than ever before.

I am starved for music and the MacWorld announcement for iTunes updates didn’t help at all. I’m looking at the new iTunes music store home page and realize that there are some songs that haven’t changed from last week at all but there is a ton of new stuff as well. I’m just so starved for music that I’m counting down until I can plug my iPod in my ears and go to starbux and relax with some reading. Thursday night so that would be 41 hours from the time of this posting. I can just feel my brain starved for techno.

That’s all I have for now later days….

Brain’s Death….

Lack of music again….

I swear this has had to have been one of the most painful and longest weeks of my life It’s not like I’ve had long weeks before where I’ve been somewhere or been needing something etc. This year though Morhram (or at least the first ten days of the month of Mohram) has seemed longer than ever before.

I am starved for music and the MacWorld announcement for iTunes updates didn’t help at all. I’m looking at the new iTunes music store home page and realize that there are some songs that haven’t changed from last week at all but there is a ton of new stuff as well. I’m just so starved for music that I’m counting down until I can plug my iPod in my ears and go to starbux and relax with some reading. Thursday night so that would be 41 hours from the time of this posting. I can just feel my brain starved for techno.

That’s all I have for now later days….

Writing Two Days Late

One Grande White Mocha later….

Equals one page paper, or at least this time. So I’m finally done with my paper and I hope I have it right. On to the presentation which could not have come at a worst time where I’m already lacking a lot since I’ve not been able to listen to music. Seeing as this presentation requires the use of my aesthetic awareness which includes sounds or the cohesion of those sounds which makes music. I’m screwed…we’ll see.


Lunar new year for me means the first ten days with out music, friends (or at least at night) and fun. It’s a time of mourning and then the 10th day is the sabbath and spent all day at the mosque praying and fasting.

Like I said music; I was a good 20 minutes in to being at starbux and realized I hadn’t heard their usual droll of mood songs. It’s not like there was a large crowd it was late on a week night so there weren’t all that many people there. I realized then I didn’t care and then also that I’ve become quite skilled at filtering things I don’t want to hear out or at least that is what I hope. The only reason I even thought of this is what one of my overzealous-over religious friends once sent me an e-mail for. In the e-mail it stated that while we are going through our holidays listening to music at public places is the devil trying to corrupt us. Hah! What I see is who we are living in a country where we’re more of sharing the days and while we have our holidays they have theirs. So while we do get the benefit of getting their holidays off we get ours as well. I’d say in this situation it’s more of them getting back at us for getting extra days off not the devil.

I need to get my iPod back soon to study and not loose my mind while doing so.

Later Days,

Sleepless as usual


So with no professor we carry on and get our very first project. How do you define asthetcially pleasing to yourself? I leave that question to you now while I try and sort this out the best that I can so I can post my answer and my cool thing up here.

more to come soon……

Later Days,

Needing…. Lacking sleep


As I write this I know better, I need to get to bed very, very soon. Somehow though, I can’t get myself to go to bed. Everything is done for tomorrow and I did not get some things done today while I did others. I need to list somethings on eBay and craig’s list and I need to finish out one more budget. Other than that I did get some major research done and a pretty good looking start of a budget breakdown if you ask me.

So I did all that I know that I need to get to bed and yet I still don’t go to sleep. What is wrong with me now I worry that I won’t be able to get up in time and make it to work tomorrow in time. I am aiming for early morning and getting downtown. This is where lacking sleep comes in. I can function great lacking sleep. On the other hand recently I’ve become pretty bad about getting up and going out of bed since I don’t seem to have that normal of a schedule since I don’t have class or a production keeping me truly going. Yes, I am in pre-production for a bunch of things and I’ve been finishing it but at the same time I’m still reeling from Holiday season (‘mas and New Year) I know after this weekend once school starts and all the rest of life comes roaring in I’ll be good I hope.


I just hope I can wake up in time tomorrow morning

Long time and then some

So it’s been a while….

Well…it’s been a while I know. My new year’s resolutions: 1. Keep myself in better shape, 2. Learn more 3. Find time for making better friends out of the ones I have now and making new ones. 4 (final one) write on this more seeing as it may become something one day. So I’ve been busy but not that busy either that I’ve been neglecting to write in this more. I don’t know if it was the holidays or something else but I’ve been neglecting my blog. I need to also post some more pictures online for people as well.

What’s conspired since I last wrote well there was L.A. and the wedding, the screening of the name of god, and various other things I may post about later.

Let’s start with the screening, for those of you who know I just wrapped on a movie and part of my last blog posting was about that. I’m better now about the crew and I’m in a better spot now. I’m back where I want to be and I’m feeling pretty good about it though a little uneasy. The screening went better than I had ever expected. My family and friends even loved the movie. We had 200 people show up and we even managed to raise some money for the charity (Scottish Rite Hospital). I’m hoping to have another screening soon a private one so that I can see the movie as it should be. I can’t wait. As soon as that’s over we’re already on to the next thing and I need to take some time and start preparing. Already the gears are turning. I know and hope next year will be just as fun and good as this last one was.

The wedding is also leaving me longing to travel more. I just got to see my cousins who I’ve not seen in a very long time as well as meet some guys I will soon be family with. It was sobering and also great to see my family and the wedding. Those pictures I will post very soon I know they’re about 2 months late but y’know it’s time for them. I’ve said it over and over it was nothing and I had fun and thanks to those of you who said it a billion times over that weekend.

it’s hitting me

Lately I feel as if I don’t know enough to move farther ahead in what I’m doing. I look all around me and to be where I want to be in my career I desperately need to learn more but that would mean taking time off? I don’t know. Everyday it feels as if my degree is useless and all my knowledge needs to be refined some more. I know I need to learn circuitry better or engineering better or something. I see the world around me and less and less it makes sense. Though I know more about the things I need to know more than I ever did I still don’t feel as though I know enough. I still wish to accomplish more. As well as I’ve got to be spending a few times away from dallas will that affect my work at grad school? I don’t think it will but I do desperately want to learn more. I need to be less lazy and start reading again. There goes my budget for coffee and techno music again. Well we’ll see what happens on the 2nd that’s when the fun really starts.